Become a Skater

Are you interested in becoming a derby skater? Whether you’re just curious and have no skating experience, or are a frequent skater, we invite you to spend some time with us and learn more about roller derby! We offer a Roller Derby Basics Workshop three to four times a year where you can learn the basics of Roller Derby, get skating instruction, practice on the track, and participate in a question & answer session, all designed to help you decide if roller derby is right for you! If you are interested in attending one of these workshops, please reach out to for more information.

We also recommend checking out our website and following us on social media:





transfer skaters

Are you an experienced skater looking to join Naptown? Contact us for more information about the transfer process! 


1. START SKATING NOW! There are lots of rinks in Indianapolis. Check online for times and locations of open-skate sessions near you.

If you need to purchase gear, we recommend shopping with our friends at Derby Warehouse!

2. GET IN SHAPE. Playing roller derby is a serious athletic commitment. We recommend eating healthy, drinking lots of water and exercising regularly. 

3. LEARN THE RULES and SKILL Recommendations. NRD is a member of the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA). The current set of WFTDA rules along with information on the minimum skills recommendations needed can be found on the WFTDA website at

4. KEEP INFORMED. Check our website regularly to stay up to date on upcoming NRD events.